Nouns - Die Nomen

  • Nouns are people, places, things and ideas
  • When writing, nouns are always capitalized
  • Every noun has a gender and a corresponding article to show it

Duzen und siezen

  • Duzen means addressing someone with "du"
  • Siezen means addressing someone with "sie"
  • Don't use 'du' with someone unless they initiate it

Du kannst mich duzen (You can address me as "du")

Personal Pronouns

German English
ich I
du you
er he
sie she
es it
wir we
ihr you (pl)
sie they

Noun Plurals

Noun plurals are 4 to 9 distinct modifications made to nouns based on

  • how the noun is spelled
  • what gender the noun has
  • how many syllables
  • which syllable is being emphasized

Plural endings

  • -(e)n
    • Used by 90% feminine nouns
  • - (no change)
    • Used by family members e.g Vater, Mutter, Bruder, Schwester
    • Table settings e.g Teller, Gabel, Schüssel, Messer, Löffel
  • -s
  • -e
    • Used by 90% male nouns
    • Used by 75% neuter nouns
  • -<umlaut>e
  • -<umlaut>er