
I recently joined a Whatsapp group named "Tech Blend", which conduct weekly online meetups. Topic for last meetup was "Microservices", for which I volunteered. Since I was working for around 2 years on a microservices based project of decent complexity, I thought it would be fun to talk about my experience.

The meetup was fun. I ran out of time. The meetup is quite well managed. Manpreet, the guy who organizes the meetup does a very good job respecting everyone's time while managing to have meaningful discussions at the same time. Their topics/talks are usually quite shallow, but this event management is something I can learn from participating in this group.

Here are the slides for I created for the meetup. I was holding on to them hoping I'll create a video, but that's not happening. So I am just putting the slides over here.

Feel free to hit me up if you need some help regarding microservices, or if you need me to explain some slide, or just for a chat.